Okay, I must now admit that I do not own an I-Pod or any kind of mp3 player. So, for me, audiobooks are on CD. I have read chi;dren's books online but have no desire to sit with a laptop "reading". I love books. The old-fashioned kind, with pages and covers. No Kindle for me, no earplugs so I can listen. I want to read a story, to give the characters the voice and expression I want.
That being said, I have listened to books in the car on trips. On one occasion, I actually enjoyed it. Other times, I've bailed after an hour or so. Even Bill Bryson, who I think is particularly funny, bored me to death on one attempt when he was reading his own material. It wa awful! I sure hope Jmaes Patterson doesn't read any of his audiobooks - hav eyou ever heard that man speak? He had some awful commercials out a few years back that were just deadly.
Neither my local library or the county library carry NetLibrary. The Somerset County Libary provides audiobooks through Adobe eBooks, Mobipocket ebooks, and Overdrive MP3 and WMA audiobooks.
New Vintage titles
15 years ago
The reader can really make or break an audiobook for me. Jim Dale, who reads Harry Potter, is amazing. Some authors do great with their own books, some not so much. An author reading their own material is really hit or miss.